BioCape Point 2/75
47 years
ago, I started my travels after finishing college with a BS in Biology and a
teaching certificate.
I couldn’t
wait since 2 years before I caught the travel bug and started to map out my
journey. Sure it matched the Endless
Summer movie I’d seen 14 times---really and with 2 friends, 2 surfboards, a
trusty super 8 movie camera and plenty of film, we flew out of Philadelphia on
September 25th, 1974. I
still, to this day remember looking back at my dad and seeing his worried face
as we walked through the gate to get on our flight---Pan Am to Paris.
So on the
morning of September 26th, 3 tired travelers plus surfboards got off
the plane in Charles De Gaulle airport in Paris, quickly purchased tickets to
Biarritz (our destination to surf in France), and happily rushed to catch the
morning flight only to find out that the flight was out of Orly
Airport (20 miles away) on the other side of Paris. Remember this was before
INTERNET! So with luggage and surfboards
in hand, arm, neck, we road an airport bus across the city of lights morning
rush hour to the other airport to find out the next flight was at 6 or 7pm….,
they couldn’t check the bags and boards early so we had to sit in the airport
with our luggage all day, jetlagged (6
hour difference I think).
we flew into Biarritz, got a taxi (no surfboard racks so the boards hung out
the trunk to our prearranged hotel on the beach—Le Flos
My abundant grasp of the French
language---fromage, 1,2,3,4,5, did not help us explain why we were standing at
the desk of the hotel/restaurant, but I was able to secure our room once I saw
the letter George Gerlach had sent for us hanging up over the office, then it
was all hugs and kisses---phew.
The room was above the restaurant with a
great view down to the ocean on the Côte des Basques that I ended up
occupying for the next 6 weeks.
Being my first real surf trip out of the
US, it was exciting to surf more powerful waves, experience a 20 foot tide
difference, and walk around a foreign town exploring its shops.
Over the next weeks, more friends arrived
from the US until the dinner table in our restaurant was sitting 8 Americans
loving the French food and many smoking those nasty Gauloise
cigarettes with me usually stuck in the inside corner of the table. Dinner usually lasted at least three hours.
Fortunate for us, George showed up and we
were able to meet his local buddies who lent us a Renault 5 with a tweety bird painted on the hood. We were now able
to explore around the SW of the French coastline,
at the river on the border with Spain (Hendaye )and up to La Bar for a giant swell. We used this vehicle well after most of the
group had returned to the US until Jon Claude, the owner, needed a part for his
car and just left the tweety bird car parked in a
side street!
of his friends, Mike, (and ours now) “borrowed” a rental car from his work and
drove three of us down to Spain. France had a postal (telephone) strike on so
we wanted to mail stuff from Spain. When
we arrived in San Sebastian, it was noon and siesta started till 4pm so Mike
drove into the mountains somewhere to a small village, found a restaurant who
agreed to open and feed the 4 of us a 4 or 5 course meal, complete with wine
for about $3 per person. We eventually
go back to San Sebastian to mail letters, buy trinkets for the 2 guys going
home, and return back to our restaurant/hotel in Biarritz. Our hostess thought we would be hungry so had
prepared an off-menu lasagna for us and piled it up on the table to eat. Though
we were full from lunch, we HAD to stuff ourselves some more. [Timestamp]-Ali beat Foreman in the rumble in
the jungle the night before…we celebrated with some $1 bottle of vintage
Spanish wine we purchased in San Sebastian that afternoon. Michael also took us
up into the mountains nearby (he called it Basque Country) to watch the sun go
down and all the sheep and cows with bells around their necks waddle back to
the farms.
One interesting thing that happened once
the entire group of friends left for the states, I started to meet all the
traveling surfers in the area. It’s
easier to meet people on your own sometimes than if you with a group.
I sold one of my boards to a New Zealand
guy and met a bunch of Auzzies that had driven
overland from SE Asia. They were flying back and gave me a contact number for
when I passed through Australia.*
In my typical surfer mentality, I wasn’t
very interested in seeing much of Europe in case the surf got good. But I did
need to get a visa for Australia in Paris, and one of the guys, Jimmy, was
going home so after a great send off, he got on the midnight train to Paris and
Kevin and I joined him. The train was
crowded but we found an empty compartment and took it to sleep. At 3am, the
conductors opened the door and checked our tickets and started screaming at us
–apparently we were in 1st class, made us pay “French money” and
left us alone the rest of the trip. We found the hotel George once again told
us about, checked in and then explored Paris…..McDonalds, Eiffel tower, Louvre (Mona Lisa) and a sidewalk café for
pizza dinner and watched the cars try to
drive around the Arc de Triumph.
We jammed Jimmy and his surfboard in a
cab to the airport early the next morning and set off to find the Australia
embassy which issued me a visa with just enough time to grab the last train
back to Biarritz.
All too soon, the group got smaller as
they headed back to the states leaving me as the last of the group alone, but
with lots of new friends I’d met along the way.
Eventually it was time to say goodbye to
my hostess/hotel keeper and pseudo mom for 6 weeks, Mame’
and I flew back to Paris to catch either a plane to South Africa or back to the
USA. As I sat in the airport listening
to the flights being called, I hear the last one to the USA and realized there
would be another chapter in this journey.
still remember the South African 707 left Paris at 5pm, with a stop in the
Canary Islands and nonstop to Johannesburg. It was a long flight because in
those days SAA couldn’t fly over the African countries and had to swing around
the horn of Africa.
South Africa
In May 1974, I helped build a surfboard
for Bill Lacovara to use in the Gunston 500 being
held in East London South Africa. When
he returned he showed me the movies he took of Nahoon
Reef (in East London) and Jefferys Bay. When I told him I was going to go there, he
gave me a piece of paper with the name of the hotel (Woodholme Hotel) he stayed in
and the manager. That is what I traveled
to South Africa with!
George had given us great information to
live with before we started travelling.
Never get upset with delays or hassles while in airports….that got us
through Paris on the way in….
On November 7 1974, I flew over
Johannesburg but didn’t land because of a rain storm and ended up landing in Durban
instead (along with all the other flights supposed to be landing in
In 1974 Durban airport was small. Jets were parked, lined up along the runway.
The did let us get off and I guess I went
through immigration there but suddenly I saw them close the door of my plane,
asked the gate hostess what was happening. She said it was to keep the rain
out, the plane taxied down the runway and took off with my luggage (surfboard)
and not me---she apologized and a said she made a mistake. Welcome to South Africa! But with all the confusion, the connecting
flight to East London had not left yet so I got on with my camera bag and carry
bag of shoes (weight problem).
An hour later I got off in East London,
asked about an airport bus into town…no, then asked the car rental girl if I
could rent a car---too young—had to be 23. She asked where I was going and said
she lived up the street from the Woodholme Hotel and would give me a ride
in! Ha! Welcome to South Africa.
But wait! I walked into the lobby and
asked for the manager and was advised he had gone to an army camp for 3
weeks---I was ready to go back to the airport at this point until they learned
I helped send Billy over for the contest then it was quite hectic as the porter
left and came back with two guys who after I checked into my room with my
camera bag and carry on bag of shoes, took me to their room for a beer and then
took me to someone’s house and within an hour I had a job building a bunch of
surfboards for a guy who want to sell them over Christmas.
I got to surf Nahoon
Reef the next morning on a borrowed board and used a surfleash
like I’d never seen before---bungie cord tied to a black sock which I tied
around my ankle—it worked! My luggage and
board were delivered to the hotel that afternoon so I had all my stuff! One of
the guys I met the night before, Mike,(used his board)
invited me down the coast for that weekend---sure—nothing on so we left for a
drive to Grahmstown. Along a detour on the main
road---the lights on his car and engine all quit and there we sat in the middle
of nowhere about 9:30 on a Friday night.
Having never been there I had no clue what was outside the range of
sight of the car. Lions? Who knew but after being passed by about 50 cars, a
car stopped to tow us eventually cutting wire off the fence along the road to
pull Mikes car.
They took us to
the next town, Peddie, Mike called his dad who drove from Grahamstown to get us….leaving the car and surfboards behind-never expected to
see them again but the next day, there it was untouched! We had a picnic while
the car charged up and finally drove back to Grahamstown. Mike had promised me waves in Port Alfred (a
40 minute drive from Grahamstown) and when we arrived the next morning it was
about 15 feet. We surfed an inside break
and then drove back to East London.
So, my life in East London got off to a
great start and the friends I made through building the surfboards, picked me
up every morning and took me somewhere to surf.
There were more waves than I ever expected, friendly people in the
ocean, warm water (it was summer) and before I knew it, we went on a weekend
trip to Jefferys Bay, about 250 miles down the coast
because some of the guys had to get their Navy physicals in Port Elizabeth only
40 miles from JBay.
We arrived and checked in to a rondovel in town and since there
were no waves, drove the 29 km road to Cape St Francis (home of the perfect
wave in the Endless summer).
I was introduced to Seal Point and some
fun little waves-I remember sitting in a rock pool water papering a board we
built from the batch we made which had some ridges in the finish coat from the
roof racks (we did glass it at 4am the morning we left….).
Of course, being with good South African
boys about to go to the Navy, we spent some time in the Cape St Francis hotel
pub where I was able to meet the owner who just happened to have his son’s VW
van for sale. We set a price and set up
the purchase for the following weekend (these guys had to go back to work in
East London!)
Once again, with cash in pocket (about
$500) we set out for JBay on the next Friday
afternoon, picked up the van and proceeded to use that as out accommodation for
the weekend. Of course, the starter motor was shot, the mechanic from the hotel
(that was supposed to fix it) only had time to remove it and tape a few wires
together so we could push start it and thus ensured we always parked on a slope
or hill.
But I had a car! Starter motor between
the seats, yes, but there were plenty of hills where we were.
Over the next few weeks in East London, I
tried to fix it/get it fixed, replaced
pieces at a time until the mechanic at the VW dealership got fed up with my
questions, grabbed it and replaced what was broken, handed it back and said
merry Christmas now go away! I was able
to put the starter back in, almost ran myself over when I connected the “live”
wires and the van tried to start with me under it—hell I’m a surfer not a
mechanic. But what a difference to park on flat ground!
By this time my friend Dave was back from
the army camp and started taking me with to surf all around the East London
Being close to Christmas, we finished up
the surfboards to be sold in an empty storefront downtown, and I was once again
invited to Port Alfred by Mike to spend Christmas with his family. But first, let me describe the place we build
the boards. We shaped and glassed the
boards in a coffin factory—yes, coffins were built there from Mercedes Benz
packing crates (parts imported from Germany at that time). A group of ladies
pulled out the nails and the wood was milled and put together, stained and
polished right next to our glassing rack—my spot. Oh yeah they made headstones
next door and a cemetery was across the street.
It was a challenge to work into the night and I was the last one there
one night and made it until I heard weird screams coming from across the street
(in the cemetery---then I was gone!
So off to Port Alfred I went---I was told
to follow the coastal road….it was tar but turned to dirt for part of the
drive. It was early Christmas eve and a
very pleasant drive once the tar ended that cut through farms, had cattle gates
with kids operating them (for a tip) and all was well until I headed downhill and
noticed a one lane bridge at the bottom….just about standing on the brakes
sliding down the dirt road.
This happened a few more times until I got to Fish River and
noticed a new tar road –not opened yet-running parallel to the dirt. I found an
entrance and drove the rest of the way on a brand new road. Years later, the
many times I drove over this road indicated that it was not ideally built!
When I arrived the family celebrated Christmas and to this day I
was shocked that there were presents for me! (classy
people). I attempted to call home for
Christmas, went to a pay phone (call box) and had to book my call and could
only call on the 27th of December. The excuse (real) was that the undersea
cable had been broken and all calls were being routed overland through Africa
to Europe and then England to North America.
We had great waves and the evenings were spent in the Grand Hotel
pub with many of the East London surfers who traveled there for Christmas
playing darts and snooker.
I headed back to East London for the New Year and the first few
days of 1975 I got to experience a really good swell that pushed through Nahoon Reef for 4 days.
In the process I also was exposed to something that had an effect on my
future studies, my ability to get a job once I returned to the US and be able
to teach in a college.
I caught “Reef Fever”, that in those days was something newcomers
got when overexposed (like a 4 day swell) to the tiny flicks of toilet paper
washing around the point (along with the rest of the stuff) from a sewage
outfall on the other side of the point.
Ten years later I earned my Master’s degree studying the Effect of
Sewage on Seaweed Distribution at the Bats Cave sewage outfall. Oh yeah, each time after that I got sick from
it, its effects were less and less until it was just a sore throat.
Toward mid-January, I gave a ride to someone starting the
University of Cape Town so got to drive (sightsee/explore) down the coast to
Cape Town. We met up with some folks that had driven down from Morocco and were
heading towards Cape Town to finish the continental drive. Because of
them we ended up stopping all along the beaches and other spots I would have
I ended up driving nonstop back to JBay
and camped out in the dunes (before development) for about 2 weeks. We found a source of fresh water and a
restroom, visited fictional friends in the JBay
campground to grab hot showers (yea camping).
(J. Bay Point -imagine
camping there in 2021)
cooking on a tire
I had to get back to East London to get ready to leave because I
discovered my visa was expiring---when I signed for beers in the pub, they
laughed at me because I wrote the date wrong
-Month/ day instead of day
/month---it suddenly hit me that my visa 7/2 was not July.
We sat around the fire at Yellows Sands one night and pondered why
I had to leave…and came to a conclusion that I could get a job and work visa. I
got a job as a life guard at the beach and a bartender at the local Holiday Inn
and most importantly, a temporary work visa.
For the next few months, I saved folks during the day and got em drunk
at night.
In preparation for my next jaunt down the coast, I enlisted help
from the beach cleaners to water paper my van and prep it to paint. When it was
sanded, we sprayed it in a friends driveway, a green
color to blend into the bushes better for camping at J bay!
Before I left, I sent (with the help of the hotel secretary) letters
to all the high schools in East London to see if they needed a Biology
Teacher. I’d made up my mind I wanted to
stay there after I finished my journey around the world. Someone asked me a few
years later if I had my choice of a place to live, where would it be, I said I
did and I choose East London.
When I arrived home from the beach (lifeguard) one afternoon, the
secretary said the principal of a school wanted to meet me, he arrived and
there I sat, wind-blown hair, my shirt and clip-on tie for bartending that
night. We sat in the lobby and when the
waiter came up he asked if I wanted something so I ordered a beer and he
ordered a coke….strike one!
Anyway his biology teacher had resigned and he wanted me to start
right away…I explained I didn’t have proper clothes and the tie I had was
borrowed, so how about January—when their school year started.. He was happy
with that…so it looked like I had a job—just had to finish traveling the rest
of the world!
When I finished working, I gave a guy a ride to Cape Town to surf
for his last few weeks until he reported to the Navy. We surfed the normal spots down the coast but
when we got to Cape Town, we decided to keep going.
Two of us drove up the west coast to explore Elands Bay, a left
hand wave about 150 miles up the coast from Cape Town on the cold Atlantic
side. (no, not Skeleton Bay---I don’t think that point
wasn’t even formed in 1975)
We arrive about 2am and parked next to the beach to sleep. In the
morning, the fog was so thick I couldn’t see the ocean from the water’s
edge. A fisherman told us it would clear
by 10am. At 9:45 the ocean suddenly
appeared with great waves peeling along the point (in kelp). Surfing in kelp was
new to me and it took a while to get use to things bumping your legs in the
ocean. Especially with only two surfers in the ocean. After a while I got used
to it and the second day, a kelp head popped up next to me and exhaled…a seal….
All was great until he straightened out and hit some kelp and
snapped the tail of his board off, leaving me to have to surf alone.
I had a pint of resin and some cloth in the van for emergencies and
was able to use my board building experience to stick the tail back on using
sticks from the beach inserted in the foam to hold it straight. The next day he was back in the water with
My van became infested with flies.
We were parked next to the beach in the campground and couldn’t figure
out why there were so many flies…it was cold at night and in the morning we
could squash them as they hung to the ceiling.
When I walked around the other side of the van I discovered the
source…cow dung that we drove through on the way to Elands Bay. With a bit of water and—no more flies.
manager of the campground gave us access to a trailer with hot water showers
that belonged to the company building the railroad down the west coast. Since there was a tunnel just south of Elands
Bay, they had a trailer site for the workers there. This helped since the water temperature was
in the low 60’s if that.
Back in East London with school holidays
coming up, my friend Phil, a teacher wanted to go up to the Wild Coast to one
of the surf spot he had found while walking along the coast the previous Christmas
After shopping for a weeks’ worth of
food, we left East London in Phil’s van and drove up the N2 to a turnoff about
60 km after Idutywa. After we left the
tar road, it was about a 35 mile drive along dirt then track to the coast. Besides
a great surf trip, this was a spot (not totally new) but no one surfed except
on occasions they say. While it didn’t
make things great that it was during the sardine run, the waves were
great. We camped on a little point
on the river and
could either walk or paddle to the beach.
We got to surf most of the week though there was one onshore day when we
decided to hike in the forest and almost got lost. One of the houses on the point had a family
staying in it and they took us along the coast in a beach buggy—in 1975, there
was nothing along the coast.
They took us night fishing as well, handed us
spears and a bag and we drove north on the beach to a river and walked back on
the rocks supposedly catching fish in the rock pools. Let’s just say it was
good exercise for us and not a great loss for seafood because during the spring
tides while we were there, the local kids were selling us lobsters for four
cents each. Once the wild dogs broke
into our cooler and ate all our frozen T-bones, this became a main meal,
lobster and avocado with onion piled in the avocado skin! There is a clip of us
surfing on my you tube page.
Today, this spot is known as a sharky
When I got back to East London, Dave’s
dad had gotten sick and he needed to take him away for a bit so with a few
trips to the produce auction and thank goodness for the staff that worked there
for years, left me in charge of the hotel to do his work. He specifically said after the morning stuff,
I was to use the hotel van to go surfing but be back for lunch.
I had a plane ticket from Johannesburg to
Sydney for the next leg but learned that as long as I was going east, I could
use the ticket to stop along the way.
One weekday morning (everyone was
working) I sat in some of the largest waves I’d ever surfed at reef with a
newspaper writer named Roger who started telling me about waves in
Mauritius---which had been featured in the movie the Forgotten
island of Santosha---but I never knew where it
was. So I added Mauritius to my itinerary, got a few shots—cholera and yellow
fever---there had been a cyclone there a few months before, got a visa and with
tears in my eyes, left my friends at the airport and flew to Johannesburg then to Mauritius.
I sold my van before I left for R650-R200
more than I paid for it. I saw the van
probably 10 years later being used as the milk truck in Kidds
When I landed I was older so could rent a
car, tied my board on the roof and drive out to Tamarin Bay on the west coast
of the island. I booked into the Tamarin
Bay hotel ($12/night), right on the beach of the surf spot. Rogers advice was that the waves were great
but not very consistent and I’d be lucky to catch one swell. I was lucky enough to get two in the 10 days
I was there.
There was a mountain overlooking Tamarin
Bay and one surf less day a few of us decided that since there was a mountain,
we had to climb it. The best part was the photos from the top overlooking the
The only negative part was at the airport
leaving heading to Australia when an airline employee wanted to charge me extra
baggage charges (though they didn’t do it from Johannesburg) so I argued a bit,
told him I hope they took credit cards…he said “you mean you have no cash?”
I did eventually report him to Quantas in Sydney because of a ding they put in my board
and claimed for the repairs.
After an unexpected 10 days surfing on an
Indian Ocean island, I set my next stop as Perth, then Melbourne then
Sydney. Might as well use the airlines
to travel across the continent. Because
of Cyclone Tracy that slammed into Darwin a few months before, the jump from
Darwin to Indonesia was not going to happen this year.
I arrived about 3 am at the airport and
was singled out and made to sit on the blue chairs because my yellow
vaccination card (yes we had to travel with them) had the smallpox vaccine
written in the wrong place. The medical
officer must have decided I didn’t have smallpox, asked if I was going to New
Zealand and fixed the card for me. As I walked to customs, I asked where do I
go and they pointed out the door—to the ocean. The only taxi in the airport
took me to the Cottesloe hotel on the beach about 15 miles, where I slept off
the jet lag and went downstairs for steak and eggs for breakfast---welcome to Auzzie!
What a great transport system Perth had..walked out, took a bus to
downtown, went to the American Express office to collect mail (a box of film) ,
to the Pan Am office to see about extending my expiring ticket and somewhere
rented a car---can’t remember where but rented a 4 door Holden. I checked out
of the hotel the next day and drove down to Margaret River (about 150 miles). I
checked into the campground-the only one there- built a fire using my best
African (Wild Coast) taught camping skills, threw a few potatoes on the fire
and started cooking some rice pudding I’d learnt to make on our last camping
trip in South Africa. Everything looked
great until a downpour doused my fire and I ended up driving up to a store and
having chips and ice cream for my organic dinner. My accommodation was the back seat of the car
and I slept well until early in the morning I looked out the window and
kangaroos were munching on my almost baked potatoes.
However, I went to the parking lot at the
surf break and a beautiful empty at least 6 foot swell was pouring in, and two
of us had it alone for about 3 hours until the crowds showed up---apparently
that was the day they had to go collect their dole (unemployment checks) in
I drove down the coast exploring the
different spots and even toured a cave-Lake Cave. After a few days I drove back
to the airport and flew off to Melbourne where this time I rented a station
wagon to sleep in.
drove down to Bells beach surfing reserve, parked and
climbed in my surfboard bag to stay warm. In the early morning I started the
car to put the heater on and heard them say on the radio its 4 degrees (C) {39F} in Melbourne going
up to a big 9 today. But having a good wetsuit, I was out in the surf surfing
one of my dream spots, the break I had my board built for using a keel fin (ok
too many surf movies) but it was great.
It worked just like I wanted it to.
When I came in there were some locals
doing donuts in the mud of the parking lot. We chatted and when they found out
I was going to sleep in the car again, one of them invite me to his house—his
girlfriend had gone to her family for the week, so no more board bag sleeping
bag! Evenings were spent in the Torquay
pub and I met quite a few locals—once again a plus to travelling alone.
We surfed a few spots north of Bells, and
I drove down to the site on the south coast where they had a world contest
(Johanna). It was a beautiful drive and I’m glad I got to see it.
With a wet wetsuit wrapped around my
board in the board bag, I flew up to Sydney.
Directions from two Auzzies
in Mauritius---take the airport bus to the key (quay), take the ferry to
Manley, walk down the street to the ocean and check in to the Manley hotel on
your left. The first part was easy….the
walk down the main street with a duffel bag, surfboard wrapped in a wet
wetsuit, long! I checked in, had steak
and eggs again for breakfast and went for a surf.
This was my first time touching the
Pacific Ocean, the waves were great and I have no idea how I got so many waves
with the crowd.
I went through my ritual of the American
express office for mail, Pan Am office for my ticket (still too early) and
Qantas to report that jerk and get them to pay for the repairs---they said
submit receipts, they paid…I fixed---high labor, so got my excess baggage
charge back.
I had a phone number of the Australian
guy* from France who told me to call him when I got to Sydney. I did—he gave me directions how to get the
train (Newcastle flyer) to Newcastle and said he would see me at the train
station. His friends from France and
others were there and I was invited to stay at his house. His parents were great but as with most
travelling surfers assumed I was a bum until I mentioned that I got my BSc
before I travelled and that blew their minds.
They introduced me to their friends a
John Wayne’s nephew.
We surfed breaks that were working south
of Newcastle.
One of the guys decided that it was vacation
time and took two weeks off and we drove from Newcastle all the way to Noosa
Heads (at least 600 miles) stopping in all the surf spots I knew from the surf
magazines and one other that I’d never heard of…Greenmount Point---the
middle break at Snapper in Coolangatta on the Gold
Coast. I still remember saying—where
are we???
We camped wherever we could hide a tent
and the VW Beetle or in
Locations like Angourie Point, Byron Bay, Noosa
Heads, which I knew about-surf movies and magazines from the 60’s and early
70’s- and a number of spots I either didn’t know about beforehand or just cool
little uncrowded beach breaks where we may have camped in the bushes!
We spent a few hours with the Cape Byron
Lighthouse keeper who besides a history lesson, taught me a lot about
predicting the weather.
We drove through Brisbane up to Noosa
Heads and stayed in a campground that was right on the beach at the end of the
point. It looks (goggle earth) like that
campground gave way typical beach front stuff. It was very enjoyable to surf a
point break wave over sand—like Byron Bay and for someone from the New Jersey,
most relaxing! It was also my first view of shark nets as the dolphins swam
along jumping over and back. At the
campground we cooked dinner over a gas stove in front of our tent and a group next
to us migrated over to share it (eggplant parmigiana) and invited us to their
house to make it again when we came back through Coolangatta.
So that was my trip up the east coast of
Australia. It was unplanned and very much a drive and surf vacation. I’d almost booked a week on Heron Island in
the Great Barrier Reef to scuba dive and that was the only plan until the guys
I met in France came through. My only
regret is when I’m teaching about coral reefs in Marine Biology, I wonder if I
should have gone to Heron Island…but then I think about the surf and decide---naah!
So even there is a lot of Auzzie that I didn’t see and as I mentioned flights from
Sydney to Darwin were not working (for
the quick jump to Bali), it was time to continue my travels and I flew across
to New Zealand.
One of my plans was to scope out
Australia as a place to teach and surf and had I not gone to South Africa, my 6
weeks there would have been enough to make up my mind but compared to South
Africa, I found Australia to be very crowded with surfers and to be similar to
the USA in life style…not that it’s a bad thing but I could stay in New Jersey
for that.
New Zealand
When I landed in Auckland, I was advised
to take the airport bus to the quay and walk up Queen Street to a hotel they
told me about. At least this time my
wetsuit was dry for the uphill walk. I found the hotel, checked in had dinner
and passed out. Of course I repeated my
new city ritual of going to the American Express office to check for mail and
now to the post office as well where I picked up a big box of super 8mm film. This time the Pan An office had to help me
because my ticket was going to expire (it was good for 1 year) before I left
the country. They started to recalculate
the new ticket and price and found that I would not have to pay in but would
get money back due to 1) fare changes and 2) a devaluation of the NZ dollar that
had not been adjusted yet for the new price-I got money back (I wish I could
remember how much). So I left the office with a new ticket from Auckland to
Honolulu to Philadelphia and the knowledge that I would no longer have to visit
the Pan Am offices around the world.
New Zealand was the best time difference
from the New Jersey and I called home one night only to wake everyone up early
that morning their time! With Whats-App these days it’s no big deal but this was 1975.
I was able to rent a car-mini, strap my
board on the roof and left to travel around the country.
I only got in the water to surf once at a
river mouth break, Kaikoura, on the east coast
of the south Island—the furthest south (42 degrees) I was ever in the ocean. I
camped at Ragland (the one spot I knew of) but there was no one around and the
waves were big.
The drive around the south island was
just beautiful—someone asked me to describe New Zealand and I said
“green”. The drive along the Buller
River to
the west coast and then down the coast , past a few glaciers—drove to Fox
breathtaking and I wasn’t really worried about surfing. Queenstown was nice
then the drive north past Mt Cook was great since I’d heard about skiing down
the mountain—getting dropped by chopper and a 12 mile run, a few years ago. I
went into another cave with glow worms and you rode around in a boat. Rotorua
the hot springs was a great experience and the drive out the Northern Cape,
Cape Reinga along the beach was really fun (until I hit the streams that had a
cut in the sand).
While I traveled and camped or just
relaxed waiting for surf, I was able to read many books. There seemed to be a revolving library among
travelers to trade books. I did read the
Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy during my journey and I was reading
one of the books as I travelled around New Zealand never realizing that they
would end up filming the movie there.
On October 14th, I flew out of
Auckland at 7:30pm towards Hawaii.
The reason I mention the time is for 45
years I used this example when teaching about time zones. I left on Oct. 14 at 7:30 pm and arrived in
Honolulu at 4:30 am on October 14th! Twilight zone stuff!
In the Endless Summer, Hawaii was their
last and most important stop of their journey and for me, it would be my best
bet to film great waves and great surfing, not to mention to surf all those
spots I’d seen photos, movies etc.
I was back in the USA after more than a
year out of the country and eleven months in the Southern Hemisphere and
driving on the wrong side of the road!
The customs agent stared at me for a bit (I felt like saying the New
Zealand was probably the cleanest country I’d been to as far as what he was
searching for but kept my mouth shut) I did ask if he was going to welcome me
back to the USA since I’d been gone so long, he looked at my passport and
smiled and said “welcome home!”.
I had a friend living somewhere on the
north shore though I’m not sure now how I knew where to find him but I did. He
had no room for me but told the taxi driver to take me down the road near
Sunset Beach to a group of houses where surfers stayed. I moved in and found a couch and a guy’s
room to lock my stuff away and went surfing!
This was the moment of truth…Hawaii
waves, Sunset Beach, and would my board work?
The surf was about four feet and I had a blast after I ate my first
wave. The board worked well and after
about 3 hours, I went back to the houses to rest. This was the routine until the first winter
swell arrived. I took off and ate it on
the first 3 waves—way more powerful than my week of warm up. I remember going
to the beach, taking off the leash and burying in under my sandals. It was a
bad session until I went in and one of
the surfers leaving had an 8’6” red gun he want to sell for $80 so with the new
board I went back out and I guess a Hawaii board was better for those waves
than an east coast board.
It wasn’t that crowded yet and I was able
to learn a lot about Sunset waves with the sneaky west set catching us all
inside and what to look for.
I was able to move into a house with a
mattress on the floor at Velzyland with a path behind
it to the beach with a guy named Pineapple.
It was 58-269 Kamehameha Highway—I can write this now since those houses
are not there anymore.
Our neighbors invited us for Thanksgiving
dinner and with the amount of food we could afford there, it sure sounded
great. That day was one
of the funnest (is that a word) days of surfing I
ever had. We kept bugging the girls about “what time do we eat” so the one
grabbed the keys to her boyfriend’s car, we all piled in and she dropped us
near Ke Iki next to
Pipeline. No shoes, towels, shirts, we
surfed along the coast until we got back to Velzyland
where we lived. We hit all the spots in between, grabbed a few waves and
paddled over to the next spot. In all it was 2.6 miles so when we got back the
dinner was ready and we ate until we couldn’t walk!
Meanwhile, the fall/winter contest season
had started and I was able to watch and film a contest at Sunset Beach with all
the top surfers from the world, the pipeline masters which Shaun Thomson won
surfing backhand and the Duke Contest (Now the Eddie) at Waimea
Bay on December 18th. Those last two were great, had ABC filming for Wide World
of Sports and I was able to get my movies developed quickly and we had a
showing in our living room for a few of the guys (the winner!) that were in the
contest (Before video). Oh yeah, those two contests are posted on my YouTube
I was getting
ready to fly home when the news of that big swell circulated along the north
shore. I changed my airline flight. A
few days before the contest the surf went flat---I went snorkeling near Velzyland. That
night, the sound of the swell started until in the morning it was booming so it
was a lucky call to change my flight.
I did get to surf Waimea that morning of,
and late afternoon after, the Duke contest.
I had a 9’2” gun that someone was storing in our living room (said I
could use it) and remember standing on the sand debating on going out and
someone said “if you’re not going can I use your board?” and with that out I
went. Paddling out a big set came
through and started feathering, ready to break across the bay. I got over it
and made it out to the lineup. I sat out
and to the right of the impact zone to mainly preserve my life. Every time a
set came through I paddled towards the next island and everyone paddled toward
the lineup. One set emerged and I saw
everyone paddling towards me. As I
paddled for my life up the face of this mountain, Randy Rarrick
(who I’d met in East London) was paddling next to me and I told him that these
sizes didn’t calculate for me—he said that set was about 25 feet. Maybe not such a big thing today but it was then.
I grabbed a small 15 foot inside wave and got out to rush to the house to grab
my camera gear and get back to film the finals of the Duke contest. After the
contest I took my gear home, grabbed the board and stupidly went back out until
dark trying to catch a wave to come in on. After getting caught inside by a big
set, all alone, in the dark, I grabbed a
small wave got to the shore break and rode the back of the wave washing up the
beach up and over the berm and into the bushes.
My new flip-flops were missing so I ended up walking back 3 miles along
Kamehameha Highway with a 9’ board in the dark barefoot.
A few days after the contest I was able
to get a flight from Honolulu to Chicago and Chicago to Newark instead of
Philadelphia so my parents had to drive up to get me right before
Christmas. As I walked to the car it was
snowing and my tan fell off!
So there it was 15 months around the
world. Not sure what it would cost today, though the tickets range from $2000
(what I paid) and up. Accommodation,
food etc would be way over the budget I was on. I spent 55 hours in airplanes—today that
might be the time spent in security lines. Travelled 30,000 miles by air and
eventually put a movie together, never to be seen by the public, except when I
posted a crummy copy (videoed off the super 8 movie being shown on a wall in my
house then converted to DVD 20 years later and finally .mp4) on YouTube.
That’s the story of my trip around the
world surfing.
Post: I spent the next 45 years teaching,
some in South Africa and the rest in Florida, have a family and retired. I wanted to put this on paper/digital before
I forgot too much, at least the order—I first left out the wild coast section
because I somehow thought it was the next year when I went back to live, but
when I checked the photos I fixed it.
Hawaii Photos below..