Marine Mollusks
1. How many known species are found in phylum mollusca?
2. How did the 3 major classes of mollusks evolve?
3. What has kept the mollusk small in size?
4. What are the body regions of the mollusk?
5. What is(are) the function(s) of the mantle?
6. Where does new growth of the shell occur?
7. What mollusk has 8 shells?
8. What is the largest class of mollusks?
9. Which mollusks have 2 shells?
10. How do these feed?
11. What causes the scars in the shells?
12. What are the most advanced mollusks?
13. What are tusk shells? Where do they live?
14. What is special about monoplacophorans, how are they different from the typical mollusk and where are they foun?
15. What are the ecological uses of mollusks?